Pregnancy and early parenting are harder than most women let on about and because of that, the little things we say and do for them, really mean a lot. Westchester based doula, Debbie Aglietti has some advice

Here is a list of 15 “little things” you can do or say, that will really mean a lot to the pregnant or newly postpartum woman in your life compliments of this Westchester doula!

  1. Tell them that you recognize the challenges that come with pregnancy and early parenting. And ask if she wants to talk about any of them.
  2. Give them your seat on the train. Get up and let them sit!
  3. Hold a door for them. Easy, right?
  4. Help them with that heavy, bulky stroller.
  5. Ask if you can carry a basket of laundry or fold it for them. Extra points if you put it all away!
  6. Bring them a meal. Write out instructions for heating it up, pack it up and deliver it!
  7. Walk their dog! A good 15-20 minute walk!
  8. Help them organize gifts and write out thank you cards. Drop them in the mail on your way out!
  9. Be a shoulder to cry on. Everyone needs this once in a while!
  10. Run an errand; Post office, dry cleaners, groceries.
  11. Load and or empty the dishwasher.
  12. Throw the outdated food out of their refrigerator. And then come here and do mine!! lol
  13. Put fresh sheets on their bed. Ahhhh….
  14. Stay connected to them. Having a new baby at home can leave a new mom feeling pretty lonely. Stay connected!
  15. Refer them to Northeast Doulas! Duh!!!

Northeast Doulas is a full service doula agency providing in-person care to families in Westchester and Greenwich who desire the benefits of doula support.

The support provided by our certified, experienced, insured and immunized doulas is incomparable. Pregnancy and birth are a woman’s last opportunity to be nurtured before she becomes the nurturer. Let’s do everything in our power to make her experience peaceful and momorable!