Northeast Doulas offers a wide variety of doula services including placenta encapsulation.
This practice has been around for centuries and over the past several years has been gaining ground in the US. Unsure of what exactly placenta encapsulation means?
In this post we break down all there is to know about Placenta Encapsulation, including a breakdown on the placenta encapsulation procedure, benefits and how Northeast Doulas can assist you.
What is placenta encapsulation?
Placenta encapsulation is the procedure by which a woman’s placenta is ingested after being steamed and dehyrated than finely ground and placed into a capsule.
In other words, your placenta is put into pill form. This pill is most commonly taken shortly after childbirth and through out the postpartum period.
What are the benefits of placenta encapsulation?
There are several health benefits from ingesting your own placenta. There is no other product available either organic or man-made that can help your body recover as quickly or naturally. Not only is this beneficial for mother but directly beneficial for baby as well. Ingesting your placenta capsules has been proven to increase a mothers milk supply.
Studies show that out of 210 women who ingested placenta pills, 181 women saw an increase in their milk supply during this test. Only 29 of the women who participated in this study stated that they had negative results.
Ingesting your placenta can also have other great benefits on your health
Human placentophagy Benefits include:
Increased release of the hormone oxytocin, which helps the uterus return to normal size and encourages bonding with the infant.
Increase in CRH, a stress-reducing hormone
Decrease in post-partum depression levels
Restoration of iron levels in the blood
All Northeast Doulas Postpartum Placenta Specialists are all certified through ProDoula.
Our certified specialists will prepare your placenta capsules in your own home, so your placenta is never out of your own posession.The process takes on average about 2 hours per appointment and is split into two visits.
Day one your placenta will be prepared and set to dehydrate.
Day two your specialist will return to grind and encapsulate the placenta and discuss guidelines for consumption.
When using Northeast Doulas services we will assist in the paperwork process to release your placenta from the hospital and perform the encapsulation in your household only!
For more information, and references please contact Northeast Doulas at 914 736 7700