Are you partner parenting or are you feeling like you’re in it alone?
Do you find yourself complaining that apparently you are the only one who can hear the baby crying? That you seem to be the only one capable of changing a diaper? That packing the diaper bag is far too challenging for any adult in your home that isn’t YOU?
You are not alone. More women than you can imagine are complaining about their partners inability to jump in, roll up their sleeves and make a bottle or wipe an ass…
Partner parenting is a collaborative effort and you may be inadvertently sabotaging it.
I know, I know… You would never try to sabotage your own support, right? But it happens.
You say things to your parenting partner like:
- “He doesn’t like that.”
- “The diaper will leak if you do it like that.”
- “Don’t hold him like that.”
- “Don’t bounce him after he eats, he’ll spit up.”
- This list goes on and on… I know because I did it too, I’m sad to say.
Imagine if every time you tried to nurture or care for your baby, someone said, “Don’t do it like that.”? You would eventually feel defeated and ultimately would stop trying and let the other person do it. You would give up on your own desire to bond and connect through helpful and caring acts and you would be filled with self-doubt regarding your ability to care for your own child.
Imagine how devastating that would be?
Partner parenting takes communication and affirmation.
It is an opportunity to bond and connect. To explore parenting philosophies and create systems and strategies that support those philosophies. It is team work that makes the dream work and together you can really thrive.
Having the additional support of a postpartum doula can open the door to partner parenting like you never imagined. Imagine having a postpartum and infant care expert who can teach you both about the ins, the outs and the options regarding all of your parenting choices!
Contact Northeast Doulas today and let’s discuss the benefits we can offer YOUR new family!
Authored by: The Rock n’ Roll Doula