What do the Sahara Desert and sex after baby have in common?

Can you say DRY AS A BONE! I said bone, not boner… Lol! 

Having a banana poking you in the back when you know you only have a couple of hours to sleep, certainly doesn’t help the situation.

But really, you know there’s a reason for that dryness, right??

And it’s not just because you’re exhausted from all of the running you’ve been doing on the “hamster wheel” we call the postpartum period. You know… feed, burp, diaper, snuggle, repeat…

For those of you who are nursing, you are likely experiencing a decrease in the hormone estrogen. This can have effects similar to what you may experience later in life during menopause. Vaginal tissue thins and dryness occurs. As the time comes around that you and your baby decide to stop nursing, the effects of this will likely shift and things will go back to normal. Well, maybe you’ll find a new normal, but normal nonetheless!

Postpartum depression can also be a contributing factor when it comes to dry sex, or…

What feels like a sand-covered penis penetrating your lady bits.

Vaginal dryness impacts most of us at some time or another, which is great for companies that sell vaginal lubrication products, and they sure are plentiful. Everyone and their mother is creating products for lubing up our vaginas and increasing our pleasure!

In fact, I found a review of the 10 best lubes for women for you. So if you are considering sex after baby, your welcome.

You are going to go to see your doctor or midwife at about 6 weeks postpartum.

They are going to do a vaginal exam and assess your cervix. They expect that at 6 weeks postpartum that your cervix, the opening to your uterus, will have completely closed by this time. It being open after giving birth is the reason you are told, “no sex until 6 weeks post birth.” Consider the fact that anything that enters the vagina before the cervix is closed, also has the potential to enter the uterus.

The uterus post-birth, is a warm, dark, wet place and we know how easily bacteria can grow in a warm, dark, wet place. To avoid infection it is recommended that nothing enter the vagina prior to 6 weeks after birth regardless of whether the birth was vaginal or surgical.

Sex after baby, post birth or any other time should always be at your own discretion.

Anyone who tells you otherwise can go do their laundry by hand… if ya know what I mean 😉

Authored By: Randy Patterson