After a quick poll, what we found is that during pregnancy the world wide web is where everyone turns for how to navigate their gestational period. But we wanted to know exactly what they were searching for. We received a lengthy list but we saw the following 5, more than any other topic searched

Prenatal Testing –

Many people wanted more information on prenatal testing. They wanted to know what tests would be offered, when each test would be offered and whether or not refusing one or more test was an option.

Prenatal Nutrition –

Many people told us that during pregnancy, friends had advised them of foods to avoid and they searched them after questioning their friend’s accuracy. Others were more interested in how their nutritional habits impacted the growth and development of their baby.

Can I drink coffee while pregnant? –

This was a big one! No coffee drinker wants to be told to nix their morning cup of joe so off to the internet they went.

Will I poop when I push? –

Ok, this one, EVERYONE asked! Apparently, one of a pregnant person’s biggest fear is having a bowel movement during the pushing phase. The idea of this happening was mortifying to them and they were hopeful that Google would tell them that this is a myth… They were mistaken.

What over the counter medications can I use during pregnancy? –

Many told us that this was incredibly difficult to sort out. The normal over the counter options all said “do not use if you are or think you are pregnant” so they took to the internet to see what the options were.

If you are looking for additional support, look no further!

All of the answers to the questions our clients were searching for, all could be answered right here at Northeast Doulas! More importantly, our doulas are excellent sounding boards equipped with the knowledge of the benefits, risks and alternatives to each pregnancy question or scenario.